[caption id="attachment_12657" align="alignright" width="223"]<a href="http://www.vcuramnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/gx7g6u84g92i0rvp.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-12657 " alt="HDL, Inc. President & CEO, Tonya Mallory, is a VCU grad and a huge fan of VCU basketball." src="http://www.vcuramnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/gx7g6u84g92i0rvp-223x300.jpg" width="223" height="300" /></a> HDL, Inc. President & CEO, Tanya Mallory, is a VCU grad and a huge fan of VCU basketball.[/caption]
So you’ve seen the “HDL, Inc.” logo all around campus, and know HDL is a VCU and VCURamNation.com supporter, but what is it that they actually <i>do</i>? Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. offers heart testing that digs deeper than cholesterol, looking at all sorts of additional biomarkers for heart disease, diabetes, and other related conditions (the company recently started moving into blood tests for early cancer detection). In addition, the company has a variety of health management tools (app, portal) as well as access to experts who can help you improve your health.
Until now, the only way to get HDL’s testing is though a doctor who performs it. This month, the company opened new patient centers in Virginia, called My HDL Hub, and began offering its testing and health consulting to anyone without a physician referral. The cost is $295. Anyone who receives testing gets access to a Clinical Health Consultant, HDLs’ web portal, and the company’s new myHDL smartphone app for iPhone and Android to track their health as part of the package. To learn more, call HDL, Inc. Participant Services at <a href="tel:855-251-9722" target="_blank">855-251-9722</a>, email <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a>, or visit <a href="http://www.hdalbinc.com/myhdlhub" target="_blank">www.hdalbinc.com/myhdlhub</a>.
HDL, Inc. recently donated $4 million to VCU to help build the Rams a new state of the art practice facility -- scheduled to break ground this offseason -- and have been big supporters of not only VCU Athletics but VCURamNation.com this season as well. President and CEO, Tonya Mallory, founded the company after receiving two degrees from VCU and has turned it into one of the fastest growing companies in the country.
So you’ve seen the “HDL, Inc.” logo all around campus, and know HDL is a VCU and VCURamNation.com supporter, but what is it that they actually <i>do</i>? Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. offers heart testing that digs deeper than cholesterol, looking at all sorts of additional biomarkers for heart disease, diabetes, and other related conditions (the company recently started moving into blood tests for early cancer detection). In addition, the company has a variety of health management tools (app, portal) as well as access to experts who can help you improve your health.
Until now, the only way to get HDL’s testing is though a doctor who performs it. This month, the company opened new patient centers in Virginia, called My HDL Hub, and began offering its testing and health consulting to anyone without a physician referral. The cost is $295. Anyone who receives testing gets access to a Clinical Health Consultant, HDLs’ web portal, and the company’s new myHDL smartphone app for iPhone and Android to track their health as part of the package. To learn more, call HDL, Inc. Participant Services at <a href="tel:855-251-9722" target="_blank">855-251-9722</a>, email <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a>, or visit <a href="http://www.hdalbinc.com/myhdlhub" target="_blank">www.hdalbinc.com/myhdlhub</a>.
HDL, Inc. recently donated $4 million to VCU to help build the Rams a new state of the art practice facility -- scheduled to break ground this offseason -- and have been big supporters of not only VCU Athletics but VCURamNation.com this season as well. President and CEO, Tonya Mallory, founded the company after receiving two degrees from VCU and has turned it into one of the fastest growing companies in the country.