Video: About 1 minute of party footage from Brooklyn, NY

For those of you who are still adjusting to going to bed for 3-4AM, here's a quick bit of footage I grabbed from early one night at Die Koelner Bierhalle following VCU's win over UMass. Warning, the song I chose has a four letter word in it, so if that kind of thing offends you, I'm truly sorry (but I just LOVE this song). Also, the footage includes consumption of alcohol (and some bad? dancing), so there's that too.

Special thanks to the folks at KBH (Andrea and his staff) for allowing VCU to completely take over their bar from Thursday-Sunday, good times were had by all. Also a big thanks to Dan Oshinskie, Bill Schwartz, VCU Alumni Association, VCU Athletics and everyone who made every minute there a rockin' affair. The entire weekend was some of the best fun I've had in a long time, and I think I speak for all the Ram fans who made it up when I say that I can't wait to get back to NYC for some VCU basketball in the Big Apple.
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Licensed Virginia Realtor and part-time basketball writer. Co-founder of and
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Mat Shelton-Eide
Article read time
2 min read
Last update