Video: VCU defeats Richmond

<a href=""><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-6231" title="dsc01552" src="" alt="" width="204" height="300" /></a>The Siegel Center saw it's seventh consecutive sellout tonight, and at times sounded like seven packed Siegel Centers all at once, as VCU (6-3) pulled away from crosstown rival Richmond (6-3) in the 73-51 ESPN televised win.

The "W" was VCU's third straight double digit blowout and second straight against an Atlantic 10 opponent.

The Rams locked down on defense, and have now held their opponents to 60 points or less in five of their six wins on this young season. The black-and-gold had twelve steals on the night, and pressured Richmond into 16 turnovers in front of a rowdy Siegel Center crowd.

Bradford Burgess and Rob Brandenberg lead the Rams with 14 points each. Burgess added a game high nine rebounds as well, his largest total in these first nine games.

The Rams also held on to the ball well, turning it over only seven times themselves against an equal seven assists.

Shaka Smart's squad will take the next seven days to wrap up the semester while preparing for their first CAA contest against UNCW on Saturday, December the 17th.


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Mat Shelton-Eide
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