Who knows, with any certainty, about true heights; keep in mind, Larry Sanders went from 6-9 to 6-11 while at VCU, when it turns out 6-9 was the correct length all along.
Still, based on "listed" heights, here are the only VCU alumni with longer dimensions than Haley's Comet:
Antoine Ford, 7-0, 1988-89
Konstantin Pepeliaev, 7-1, 1990-93
Denis Orlov, 7-1, 2000-02
Then there was the bizarre case of Charlie Nicholas, who was probably an inch or two over 7-foot, though nothing was ever official. Nicholas scored a grand total of 2 points in his "career" at J.R. Tucker High School under coach Ralph Crockett.
Coach Chuck Noe spotted him (or was told about him) as a Colisem vendor, selling popcorn and cotton candy. There was some effort to get Nicholas into VCU (as the ultimate late bloomer), but there were just too many hurdles (mostly academic).
Charlie wound up signing to play at the University of Baltimore but to my knowledge never took the court for the Bees. Sometimes I wonder where Charlie might be today ... a heck of a nice guy - I'll tell you that.