College Insider article on Villa 7

May 3, 2009
Feel free to delete if this has been posted somewhere else. Fairly cool article discussing VCU's Villa 7.

Whether from the perspective of a coach, athletic administrator or the fan themselves, the Villa 7 Consortium might be the greatest thing to happen to college basketball since the implementation of the 3-point line over two decades ago. It may not have such a nearly clear and obvious effect, but that is because its consequences can only be seen when one looks at the very core of how college programs are run. Above all else, VCU has done something that those involved in the college basketball coaching profession should be eternally grateful for… insured that hard work, dedication, and success will now translate into the ultimate of opportunities.

That is so cool - thanks for sharing. We got 2 great coaches as a result...

I think this is an absolutely great tribute to VCU further establishing itself as a men's D 1 BB mover-and-shaker.

I am curious, though, as to how many coaches it has actually resulted in steering to VCU? Even if 0 then I still say it's great.

Grant I'm guessing as, yes, associated wtih VIlla process/insight, but Capel? Since already on staff I would guess otherwise for Capel. So is it 1, 2 or more if we add assistant coaches?

Anyone actually know?
I believe Grant and Smart were both participants in Villa 7, but I do not know for sure. I doubt anyone before that was in.
What an impressive list of head coaches that went through Villa7...unreal.

Did not know Josh Pastner was one of them...thats cool Shufan!

I hope they can keep it going...

Dumb question: why do they call it 'Villa 7'? I couldn't find anything on the page. Is this a reference to something?
I believe the first meetings were held in a conference center room called "Villa 7," I can't remember where that room was though.