Fan Creativity?

Apr 21, 2009
I've been thinking...what can us fans do as of late to bring some creativity and excitement to the STU outside of just being loud and cheering our asses off?

I haven't thought of much, but I did think of something that could catch on....

How about when Larry makes a big play like blocks a shot and/or slam dunks; everyone takes out their keys and shakes them, going with the Landlord theme?

Or if someone like Kirill does that, make a hammer motion with our arms?

Yay, Nay?
my friends and I have been doing the hammer motion since last season! And not to mention every time he doesn't something awesome I yell "RUSSSIA!"
How about when BooBoo makes a 3 we hold up pick-a-nick baskets?
At the speed that we are playing up and down the court, I couldn't get the keys out of my pocket fast enough before another great play would have developed!
ram4life said:
At the speed that we are playing up and down the court, I couldn't get the keys out of my pocket fast enough before another great play would have developed!

... that's is so VT
BigE said:
ram4life said:
At the speed that we are playing up and down the court, I couldn't get the keys out of my pocket fast enough before another great play would have developed!

... that's is so VT
Okay, BigE, I just got to ask, what is "VT"?
Uh, I didn't suggest the key idea. You need to quote DCRAM. :o (pardon the defensive behavior!) :?
VT uses them for "key plays" (defensive 3rd downs)
it is very lame. our useage with warm up the bus is much better.
This thread sucks. We can't even talk about being creative. Pulling out your keys....REALLY? ????
