Great Richmond Bands worth checkin out


Elite Member
Feb 12, 2009
1. David Shultz and the Skyline - : Great rock/altcountry/folk influenced music. Two members of Ram Nation are in that band (Marcus and Matt Morton). Shultz writes some incredible lyrics...great live show, and they have a new album coming up sometime semi soon that is going to be amazing.

2. Fight The Big Bull - : Our boy Matt White who covers the Rams for leads this incredible experimental jazz band. They have been featured on NPR's "Fresh Air" (that's big time)..and are signed to a Portuguese label I believe. They have one of the best shows every other Wednesday night at Cous Cous (AMAZING)...which by the way is tonight. Very good, and full of VCU basketball fans.

3. Amazing Ghost - : Includes members of Bio Rhitmo and our buddy Matt from Fight the Big Bull...hilarious but incredibly talented mash up style pop hip hop dance music. Our friend Eddie writes and records all the parts when he's not at all the VCU games. They also have a great live show if you enjoy being really drunk and dancing...hopefully you do (not you dad). Check out his rendition of Bruce Springstien's "Born in the USA" entitled..."Bone in the USA", brilliant.

These bands are all very different, but great shows each of em...and full of nice people. Check em out.
Red_I_Ram said:
Crucial Elements

if you dont know, Now ya know

I DO know. Our band played a show with them at the National once....(worst show of our lives..but they were cool, and the place was amazing)
D Shultz and the Skyline are great. I work with another member, all good guys, great music!
Duchess of York is one of my local faves, also Moshe Dayan is a Christian hardcore band that's actually really good as well
david coxxx said:
D Shultz and the Skyline are great. I work with another member, all good guys, great music!

Ah, I just figured out which David you were. What up David, tell Sky I told her to give you a raise.
Natty said:
david coxxx said:
D Shultz and the Skyline are great. I work with another member, all good guys, great music!

Ah, I just figured out which David you were. What up David, tell Sky I told her to give you a raise.

Hahah i'll take all the support I can get in these tough economic times!
For christ sake people, BERMUDA TRIANGLES and THE AMOEBA MEN, but most folks can't handle it....they are to busy being frat boys and hoping daddy's wealth will carry them through the resession (depression). Go have a drink at BUDDY'S and be that fool that deserves to die if you don't know the bands. God I hate most of Richmond. Boring clowns I tell ya. VCU Basketball is religion, not these stupid ass fools that actually think there is a God. God is the Siegel Center. I don't have a job or get laid, but I show up at VCU games........20 bucks says this post gets taken down. On the Zone I got sh$t, lets see how people handle this. For the last F'in time, THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IN LIFE IS VCU MEN'S BASKETBALL. What should I do jump off the Lee Bridge, heck no, I got VCU basketball............
JacksonWard31 said:
For christ sake people, BERMUDA TRIANGLES and THE AMOEBA MEN, but most folks can't handle it....they are to busy being frat boys and hoping daddy's wealth will carry them through the resession (depression). Go have a drink at BUDDY'S and be that fool that deserves to die if you don't know the bands. God I hate most of Richmond. Boring clowns I tell ya. VCU Basketball is religion, not these stupid ass fools that actually think there is a God. God is the Siegel Center. I don't have a job or get laid, but I show up at VCU games........20 bucks says this post gets taken down. On the Zone I got sh$t, lets see how people handle this. For the last F'in time, THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IN LIFE IS VCU MEN'S BASKETBALL. What should I do jump off the Lee Bridge, heck no, I got VCU basketball............

next time you are pissy drunk at 2:30am - go to bed dog. :roll: :lol:
Brad Doggett is pretty good. Check him out on iTunes or YouTube.