As a Jazz fan who listens to a lot of the sports radio and also looks at these forums, please don't be to offended by Jazz fans, there never happy trust me. Few draft picks don't have hundreds of posts bashing draft picks but in the end most draft picks become fan favorites. If you really want to see Jazz fans bash someone take a look at what they say about Carlos Boozer. Don't hate Jazz fans they say things without thinking and are probably the most difficult fans to please. I was happy with the Jazz's draft pick and feel we got better at a void that needed to be filled. Really Jazz fans welcome Eric Maynor, they just always like to wine over something. Glad with the current roster we have and feel the team we have has a great chance to go very far this season without injuries. No take anything said on Jazz forums personal it all changes once us Jazz fans see a player play, although saying us I never felt badly about our pick, Maynor was what we needed and the best available for us at the time.