Larry Sanders Declares for NBA Draft

Many, many thanks and all the best to Larry.

Looking toward the future... I can't wait to see the new crop of recruits!
The rush to discount what Larry did for this team is understandable given human nature, but revisionism won't help us next season. This thread is about Larry leaving and his future ... we'll have plenty of time later in the off-season to try and make ourselves feel better ...and I'm sure part of that will be a continuation of poor-mouthing Larry's prior contributions, an elevation and multiplied forward projection of those slim occasional glimpses of productive play by Skeen, and a best-case-scenario assumption toward the new guys... but maybe for now, at least in this thread, we would do well to look back and appreciate Larry, and wish him well.
artRAMinMN said:
The rush to discount what Larry did for this team is understandable given human nature, but revisionism won't help us next season. This thread is about Larry leaving and his future ... we'll have plenty of time later in the off-season to try and make ourselves feel better ...and I'm sure part of that will be a continuation of poor-mouthing Larry's prior contributions, an elevation and multiplied forward projection of those slim occasional glimpses of productive play by Skeen, and a best-case-scenario assumption toward the new guys... but maybe for now, at least in this thread, we would do well to look back and appreciate Larry, and wish him well.

Art for Mod!
Rambunctious said:
So does anyone feel like we could actually get better in the paint. Here me out on this.

I think we will be very weak in the post as compared to the last few years. Hear me out on this.

Very few JC transfers start out strong. Most take at least half a season plus to be very productive at all. Veal is an 11 ppg guy at a JC. But he does rebound. I think it will take him awhile to get up to speed.

Even few freshman play strong. Even Theus and Daniels were slow to start and inconsistent at times....and they had Roz, Burgess, Joey, and Nixon to lean on. Haley and Reddic will have mostly only skeen.....with Veal as he progresses.

All that makes us weak in the post. Perhaps Burgess can play more in the post to help Skeen out early
Larry good luck in the draft, I hope you wind up in a good situation playing in the NBA. Thanks for being fun to watch and costing Swaders about 1000 of those dunk shirts.
Yeah, we never had a JC lead the team in scoring two out of his first four games...oh wait, Antoine Willie did that. And we never had a JC grad 20 rebounds in his first D1 game...oh wait, Troy Godwin did that.

BradRamFan said:
Very few JC transfers start out strong. Most take at least half a season plus to be very productive at all. Veal is an 11 ppg guy at a JC. But he does rebound. I think it will take him awhile to get up to speed.
Thanks Larry. You'll always have a posse here at Va Commonwealth. On to bigger and better things. Work hard. Wishing you nothing but the best and all the success the NBA has to offer.
Mistachill said:
Yeah, we never had a JC lead the team in scoring two out of his first four games...oh wait, Antoine Willie did that. And we never had a JC grad 20 rebounds in his first D1 game...oh wait, Troy Godwin did that.

BradRamFan said:
Very few JC transfers start out strong. Most take at least half a season plus to be very productive at all. Veal is an 11 ppg guy at a JC. But he does rebound. I think it will take him awhile to get up to speed.

And how about that forgettable Hagerstown JC transfer Bernard something or other......Hopkins???? Just under 1,000 points in 2 seasons, and 19 double doubles. These unproductive JC transfers...why bother? :lol:
In short, Sanders' upward-bound decision (the correct one if your priority is HIS future) downloads VCU (2010-11) from a legitimate Sweet 16 contender to one hoping to challenge for the CAA title (not a bad consolation prize).

One has to wonder: did the Rams' miss the bus, nationally, allowing two No. 1 NBA draftees (mid-round draftees, at that) to exit The Fan with a total of one NCAA tournament victory and a mere smidgen of ESPN Sports Center conversation?

Contrary to some harshly-worded past opinions, the 2010-11 roster will need much erasing from 2009-10. The Rams will lose two seniors (Pish, Gywnn), plus one NBA to-go order (His Larry'ness), plus at least two decfectors (Saintill, Jaybird) ...

And why would Grayson return as the third string point guard with little hope of playing until 2011-12 ... and why, why, why would Hinton make a return voyage as a "veteran" walk-on? And what about Shaka?

On the thumbs-up side, the returnees are stout (maybe best 3-point shooting team in land), the newcomers sparkle with promise (albeit unseen by anyone in these parts) - and VCU hoops looks like a winning ticket, just as it has the last 40 years.

In those four decades, two of the all-time Five Rams are Maynor and Sanders, joining Henderson, Warren and Duncan, on VCU's all-time squad, overlapping in the now-generation.
ram4life said:
Good luck, Larry! Thanks for the kind remarks about VCU. You deserve the very best for yourself and for your mother. She must be really proud of you. We will follow your path wherever you go. May it be long and prosperous.

Well put Gene.

Hey Larry! Look me up when you're in the panhandle. You know how to find me! :D

BTW you would be a good Collison sub/starter with Kevin and Russell and Amazing et. al. But I will root for Utah too if you go there. Good luck my friend!

I wish [for Larry's sake] he could have had aonther year of development, but next year's NBA draft status and Larry's upside should make him a late first rounder....he could even be used as draft day trade-bait. Making 7 figures income anytime is serious, let alone in one year out of college. I doubt I'd counsel my own son differently.

Thanks for the great bb memories! RamNation looks forward to tracking your progress in the years ahead. Please make us proud both on/off the court.
I will cheer LS1 on where ever he plays and will always boast that he was a Ram first. God speed Mr. Sanders. Come back often, you'll always have a home here with us.
...somebody stuff a R.A.F./Yong Alumni application in his suitcase before he leaves... :lol:
Mistachill said:
Yeah, we never had a JC lead the team in scoring two out of his first four games...oh wait, Antoine Willie did that. And we never had a JC grad 20 rebounds in his first D1 game...oh wait, Troy Godwin did that.

BradRamFan said:
Very few JC transfers start out strong. Most take at least half a season plus to be very productive at all. Veal is an 11 ppg guy at a JC. But he does rebound. I think it will take him awhile to get up to speed.

He didn't say none...he said very few which is true
I agree with Dr you were fun to watch...shame the forebearing NBA lock out isssue is one of the driving factors in the decision....
regardless when you get there, remember why you are there and where you came from...conduct yourself responsibly and have a blast....thanks of luck and have all the success in the world...