In short, Sanders' upward-bound decision (the correct one if your priority is HIS future) downloads VCU (2010-11) from a legitimate Sweet 16 contender to one hoping to challenge for the CAA title (not a bad consolation prize).
One has to wonder: did the Rams' miss the bus, nationally, allowing two No. 1 NBA draftees (mid-round draftees, at that) to exit The Fan with a total of one NCAA tournament victory and a mere smidgen of ESPN Sports Center conversation?
Contrary to some harshly-worded past opinions, the 2010-11 roster will need much erasing from 2009-10. The Rams will lose two seniors (Pish, Gywnn), plus one NBA to-go order (His Larry'ness), plus at least two decfectors (Saintill, Jaybird) ...
And why would Grayson return as the third string point guard with little hope of playing until 2011-12 ... and why, why, why would Hinton make a return voyage as a "veteran" walk-on? And what about Shaka?
On the thumbs-up side, the returnees are stout (maybe best 3-point shooting team in land), the newcomers sparkle with promise (albeit unseen by anyone in these parts) - and VCU hoops looks like a winning ticket, just as it has the last 40 years.
In those four decades, two of the all-time Five Rams are Maynor and Sanders, joining Henderson, Warren and Duncan, on VCU's all-time squad, overlapping in the now-generation.