More upsetting loss: NU or UNCW?

Feb 9, 2009
Personally, I was more disappointed with the NU loss. If we had won we would have probably gotten a better BB game (Nevada is still good). Also at the time we had a chance to win out and have a very strong resume for the dance (if we lost in the champ game of the CAAs). While our W-L record will still be good, it will be a long shot to be considered for a bid this season. The CAA is a 1bid league this year I'm afraid.

All losses are difficult to accept, but the NU loss hurt because of its timing and it being at the Stu.
I hate to say it but I think the UNCW loss was worse. I have a lot of respect for Northeastern coming to the Seigel and beating VCU. It's hard to lose a game at home, but at least that was a game that is acceptable to lose.

For me, it's harder to lose to the 2nd worst team in the league, especially due to terrible 3 point defense.

The only good thing that happened that night was Northeastern losing to the Tribe ;)
I'm gonna go with Northeastern.

You have to protect your home court. Winning at Trask has never been an easy task for VCU.
Anybody who went to UNCW will tell you that uNCW was disappointing. The team was almost unbearable to watch. The fans and the team spend the whole game assuming we would win eventually, and never did.

I'm glad that we, the teams and fans, learned from that mistake.
I seriously do not know how you could say that losing to NU was more disappointing than UNCW...I guess it depends if you're more upset by a loss to a team that's on/close to the same caliber(talent wise) or if you're more upset by losing to a team which is the bottom feeder of the CAA, has gotten blown out repeatedly, one that you had already beat by 20+, and one that you had already dominated in every aspect of the game....only to have the table inexplicably turned.

There's a difference between being bitter/upset and being disappointed. IMO, disappointment is due to underachieving and overall disgusting play.

It comes down to the question of if you find a highly competitive game(where both teams are playing near the top of their level) that could go either way disappointing....or if you find playing down to and below the significantly inferior competition more disappointing.
The Sea Hawk loss in retrospect did not hurt as much because NE lost to The Tribe at the same time and later Mason lost to JMU. Now if we and Mason can win on Saturday we will be back in stride.
UNCW game sucked. I didn't expect us to loose to NU but I knew it was going to be a serious game. The UNCW game to be was supposed to be a hands down win.

Another comment too: I wish the poll questions on the site would change more often... like weekly or something. The same one has been up forever. I keep checking back for a new one but nothing :(