Need a Musical Act


Nation Donor
Feb 9, 2009
Hey. I know we've got a wealth of Richmond music knowledge on here, and I need some help. My church is in it's second year of putting on a juried art show called "Arts on the Grove" on Saturday. We've got about 70 local artists displaying/selling their creations. We also have my dad's "Musical Petting Zoo" which is basically my dad, and his insane collection of instruments, that just finished a summer tour that started in VA, went as far as California, then came back through Canada hitting like 20 folk festivals (yes, my father is as insane about folk music as I am about VCU). We also have 30-40 minute mini-concerts running throughout the day, with classical music inside the sanctuary and more modern music on an outside stage.

What I don't have is an act to fill my 2:30 performance spot. One of my acts backed out last week, and all of my backup plans have fallen through. Do any of you guys/gals have a group, know of a group who might be available and interested? Unfortunately I have no budget to pay anyone, but I can let you sell CD's,and feed you.

Shoot me a PM or reply here if you have any suggestions. Thanks!