Old quote from Maynor about Rozzell playing PG

Apr 26, 2009
He is referring to a tournament in the Bahamas last summer...

LW: What player, specifically, was the biggest surprise on the trip?

EM: Brandon Rozzell [a sophomore two-guard]. Coach had him playing like a point guard, and he had to learn everything new from that position. So that was good for us, to know that he can handle playing the point.

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/si_blo ... aynor.html
So I guess the quality of play in the CAA is comparable to the Bahamas off-season JV teams?
What D1 teams did we play? I remember it being some team from the Bahamas, but not a D1 college. Perhaps I am recalling this incorrectly.
The Cancun Challenge, during the season is probably what Bang was thinking of, but I am pretty sure we played some no name guys in the Bahamas.
Rambunctious said:
What D1 teams did we play? I remember it being some team from the Bahamas, but not a D1 college. Perhaps I am recalling this incorrectly.

We were playing select teams and small college teams from the Bahamas. We steamrolled through that tourney by an average of almost 30 points if I remember correctly. All the teams we played were well outmatched and rightfully so. It was meant to be a tuneup, nothing more.
How would those Bahama teams compare to high school or AAU teams?

Would good high school teams or good AAU teams be a harder test?
Rambunctious said:
So I guess the quality of play in the CAA is comparable to the Bahamas off-season JV teams?

I wasn't implying that this 3 day stint in the Bahamas makes Rozzell a legitimate PG; just adding relevant information from a reliable source for discussion. I'm still encouraged by the fact that Eric Maynor said that Rozzell could play the point, even if it was against a middle school girls team.
I'll believe eric though if he said Rozzy can do it, with 6 months to prepare, I feel somewhat better although we need depth at that position.
Rambunctious said:
So I guess the quality of play in the CAA is comparable to the Bahamas off-season JV teams?

I believe that Eric has the bball IQ to factor the opponent's capabilities into his assessment of a teammate's ability to run the point. So yes, even if they were playing against scrubs, the fact that Eric volunteered the fact that "it is good to know that Rozzell can run the point" in an interview is a good sign. Am I saying our PG troubles are over, definitely not. But do I think theres a slim chance that Rozzell could bust his ass this summer and help out Theus a little bit in the PG department, maybe.
And we are discussing it. I just think that playing the point in the Bahamas in an off-season tournament against sub par competition doesn't mean much. The fact that he didn't play it the rest of the year should tell us something. We have to have Theus at PG and another legitimate ball handler. I think Rozzell at PG is trouble - - his control and decision making aren't that great and he has an average handle at best.

I think we are all trying to talk ourselves into the opinion that we don't have a problem at the PG position. This may be the biggest, most glaring weakness I have seen on a VCU team in 4 or 5 years.

And Eric didn't say a whole lot for us to comment on really.
Rambunctious said:
I just think that playing the point in the Bahamas in an off-season tournament against sub par competition doesn't mean much. The fact that he didn't play it the rest of the year should tell us something.

I can't comment on BRozz's PG abilities because Im not at practice nor was I in the Bahamas, but Id have to say that the reason he didn't play the point the rest of the year was because Eric was playing it at an all american caliber for 36 minutes a game and Joey chimed in with 32 minutes. That doesn't mean Rozzy can't play the point at all though.
I don't want to get into a big discussion over whether Rozzell can play the point effectively - - it's all conjecture at this point and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Based on what I've seen of his ball handling at the SG spot it's not something I want to see us try if we want to win championships. Personally I would be amazed if Smart doesn't bring another ball handling guard in. That's all from me on this topic.