Recruiting: Liking What I see

Jul 10, 2009
Kids can't become a Ram unless they are offered a scholarship. Obviously, not all who are offered will be signed--interest and timing play a big role.

I like the fact VCU presently has 16 scholarship offers outstanding [unaccepted] to players in the 2010 and 2011 incoming classes--first come, first served.

Some will accept. Some will reject. Some will twiddle their thumbs, and will miss on the opportunity of being hooked as a Ram.

To those young men considering joining the Rams: listen, visit and act. VCU, Coach Smart and fans are moving forward with a very bright future. If you're willing to work hard, be disciplined and care about being a student athlete, you can get a very good education of your choice while being part of something much bigger than yourself. If you're really good, you can develop into the NBA.
I like it too! But that J P-R kid didnt get one initially. And I will never ever ever root for the NY Jets.
I agree....VCU has so much to offer recruit...We have a good basketball program......good academics adv a diverse university...and we are in an urban environment....the school is constantly upgrading with newer facilites and has improved by leaps and bounds in terms of ammenties for the students from say 10 years ago....It is a desirable place to come....