RTD: Player’s choice of VCU a family event


Original Gangster
Elite Member
Feb 9, 2009
http://www2.timesdispatch.com/rtd/sport ... 05/344612/

Henry's grandfather, who had Alzheimers, died last week -- before Henry chose VCU.

Henry said Smart had written a letter to his grandfather.

"I put it in his casket to let him know where I'm going and he'll always be part of the family," Henry said. "He'll always be part of my basketball life and my decision and things like that.

"I always will love him. I just wish he was able to see me in a Rams uniform."
We are getting a player with a lot character for a young man; that is awesome. I can't wait for this guy to be at VCU.
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Mr. Henry in black/gold. It's a great time to be a Rams fan with the quality of the kids coming in, the great kids we currently have in the program and the coaching staff. The next few years are really going to be fun!
Great article! Of course he'll be brandished a thug by everyone else as soon as he hits the floor next year. :lol: I have a feeling under Shaka's regime that it will be increasingly tougher to call our players thuggish. Can you imagine DJ Haley (a 3.8 GPA guy and an engineering major aspiring to work at NASA), Henry (3.25 GPA who clearly is a great young man), and Juvonte Reddic (3.5 GPA who might just be the most humble and unassuming guy for his talent level that you'll meet) on the floor? Some good times are coming!
ever notice the thug quotient is directly proportional to how bad that individual just schooled their player?
Doesn't matter - if you're from Richmond or affiliated with VCU in anyway you're a thug.
ShoeSh1ne said:
Doesn't matter - if you're from Richmond or affiliated with VCU in anyway you're a thug.
Honestly I have always thought this is such a racist thought that other universities say about vcu. Some how they try to portray themselves as superior poeple and it is very sad.
vcu_dan said:
ShoeSh1ne said:
Doesn't matter - if you're from Richmond or affiliated with VCU in anyway you're a thug.
Honestly I have always thought this is such a racist thought that other universities say about vcu. Some how they try to portray themselves as superior poeple and it is very sad.

It absolutely is - sort of. It's the being black AND going to a school in the city that gets those remarks. But for all that talk, what sort of thuggish activities have they done? Fought over an ice cream sandwich? That's hardcore.

Additionally, would anyone have considered that UVA lax player a thug before he murdered someone? Probably not, he's white and went to UVA. This is a slippery slope that unfortunately other people won't let die. But I know we've got good kids, if you want to take what you see on the court and then say you have an idea of how someone is off the court, that's cool - be wrong.
You can go right now to the Mason or ODPoo boards and find blatant examples of this kind of racism directed towards VCU and the Ram players. It's an ongoing theme and while certain posters are the most guilty over a long time they seem to empower the ignorant who not only pick up on this crap but also tend to run with it.

The irony of it all is that a certain school in Norfolk would be the easiest to lump into a thuggish category. I can't remember the last time one of our players was shot or who had a close relative killed by gunfire, yet certain pussycat posters, we know who they are, continue to troll their hooks with rotten stinky bait on it in an attempt to inflame VCU fans. When they are called out on it they always guise their idiotic statements as humor or just playing games.

In addition there are certain posters on the GMU boards who are guilty of the same things. Remember the low life who put all the pictures of the VCU players from Face Book on the zone boards? Truth be told I can't remember the last time a VCU player destroyed property and received no punishment. Guess they are just used to that sort of behavior in Fairfax.

All I can say is that the CAAZone boards are like a ghost town these days. They ought to put some moving graphic of a tumble weed going across the threads. Thank God we have this wonderful site and informative and engaging posters with whom we can interact. While there are times when the discussions become a little heated I don't think anyone could get away with racism, ignorance or mean spiritedness without being called out on it or be banned. This is no lovefest over here, but I think folks do a good job of rooting out the mean and the dumb. Unlike the zone.

Have I rambled on long enough? OK, this is ViCtorioUs shutting the f_ _k up.
vcu_dan said:
Honestly I have always thought this is such a racist thought that other universities say about vcu. Some how they try to portray themselves as superior poeple and it is very sad.

F them. P#ssies.
No offense to anyone here living in NOVA, but the communities there have no soul or spirit. They are simply overdeveloped, overpopulated, overpriced suburbs. A 3 mile trip to a restaurant (a chain no doubt) takes 30 minutes. The history, architectural significance and arts scene in a true city like Richmond is far superior to Fairfax. I actually like the Va Beach and Norfolk area, but if your school is there you have NO room to criticize Richmond.
c'mon now guys. other teams fans definitely write some terrible things, but i've seen some extremely vile stuff typed by some of our own fans as well. as much as we hate to admit it, it goes both ways.