My take on the altercation, is that we should wait to see what our AD and/or police have to say. Pictures dependant upon when they are captured, may not tell the entire story.
I get it Russell does something’s on the court that may be questionable. However, to state “I see where he gets it” is disrespectful to both the player and his family. Quite frankly that type of jumping to conclusions is unacceptable and quite frankly sad.
Unless you were there from start to finish, we should all reserve judgement. I can tell you that sometimes the families take a lot of abuse. The type that would set off MLK. I was at St. Joes recently and three fans had to be removed based on the things they were yelling at our players and their families. Good thing is that this time they were behind the basket and the families were behind our bench.
Not condoning violence but I can see where maybe the cumulative effects took its toll. Also, maybe the guy said or insinuated something that Russell’s family could not tolerate. St. Louis like Philly has tough fans, and if you add in the social component the wrong things have been said.
Again, not condoning violence but we should reserve judgement until a full investigation is conduction. That is unless you were sitting there from start to finish.