The Official Smash the Richmond Spiders in the Stu Thread

It doesn't matter how you get in; it's how you perform after you get in. I'm thinking there was an article from VCU that the Athletes had higher GPA than students.

I could start listing numerous reasons why that's the case.

Respectfully disagree. We can get kids in that they cannot. This was a big deal to Jerrry Wainwright who coached at UR for a short period.

Buckingham and Sherod were good students, but we didn’t want them.

Also, I’m pretty sure that Brad Burgess was set to go to UR but had issues getting through their admissions.
Had no idea about this.... glad that did not happen.

I'm sorry. I don't believe every school is like UNC.

The old stereotype of the "dumb" jock went out with the 80's.

Most Athletes leverage th self discipline, focus and commitment developed over years of training on the field and apply it to classroom to achieve their goals to become successful on the field of their choice.
As someone who attended VCU and had classes with multiple athletes from various different sports...... including some high profile ones.....

You could tell which ones were there for an education 1st & sports 2nd..... and which ones were there for Sports 1st and education..................... a distant 2nd or 3rd.

Zion ain't stupid

Never said he was. Would he get into Duke if he were 5'8"?

I can give you more names. Remember when Coach K finally gave in and started recruiting one and dones?
Richmond's problems are all of their own creation. It isn't our fault that they pissed off the Ukrops family (check the latest post by the company instagram, it's in support of VCU Hoops and refers to us as the city's home team) by cancelling existing sports to start a lacrosse program to please another donor who doesn't even live here, and also now seems to call all of the shots in their AD. Anybody who actually pays attention to that place knows it has a very nice facade, but just about any time they're forced into making a decision they find a new creative way to bungle it. Could you imagine that Athletic Department/school trying to put something together like the Athletic Campus? It would never get done, ever.
fudge 'em
Here's the deal, you can't be lactose intolerant and complain about the milk making you sick. If milk makes you sick, drink something else. If their academic standards prohibit them from competing in the A10, then leave. Join a league with comparable academic standards. The Patriot League will always leave the lights on for them to join.

I actually think they like being in this situation, playing the victim role. They always have the "academic standards" card to play to make themselves feel better to explain why they suck. If they join the Patriot League and suck, what excuse can they pull out of their behind to justify it?

Not to mention, they can easily do what other "academic" schools do, relax their admissions requirements for their athletes. All of their obstacles are self-imposed. You really think Duke basketball players could get admitted if they were 5'8"?
Davidson has been MUCH more successful in the 21st century (minus the last 3 seasons) and has very good academics and a smaller enrollment!

"Academics" is an excuse and always will be.
I could start listing numerous reasons why that's the case.

Had no idea about this.... glad that did not happen.

As someone who attended VCU and had classes with multiple athletes from various different sports...... including some high profile ones.....

You could tell which ones were there for an education 1st & sports 2nd..... and which ones were there for Sports 1st and education..................... a distant 2nd or 3rd.
I'm not sure the Burgess thing is true. I know they recruited him but never heard he was set to go but academics derailed it.
Richmond's problems are all of their own creation. It isn't our fault that they pissed off the Ukrops family (check the latest post by the company instagram, it's in support of VCU Hoops and refers to us as the city's home team) by cancelling existing sports to start a lacrosse program to please another donor who doesn't even live here, and also now seems to call all of the shots in their AD. Anybody who actually pays attention to that place knows it has a very nice facade, but just about any time they're forced into making a decision they find a new creative way to bungle it. Could you imagine that Athletic Department/school trying to put something together like the Athletic Campus? It would never get done, ever.
Nothing for nothing you have be a certain level of a$$hole to get on the wrong side of the Ukrops. Those guys use to invite everyone for the Ukrops picnic.
You can't compare well known and published undergrad admissions metrics for various school with the admission requirements for athletes. It just does not work that way. One exception might be the specific HS class types (how many credits for English, Math, Foreign language/computer classes, etc). But the GPA and SAT (if they use them) are likely very different from the standard undergrad admissions.

But grad inflation at the HS level is now abundant so I don't really trust things like GPA anymore and fewer school are willing to use a comparative testing tool like the SAT/ACT for admissions. Sports aside, America has ruined academic rigor at the HS and college level and it shows in the students
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Well, according the UR fans their "academic excellence" explains why their team sucks. The good players who are kicking their behind could not get admitted into their school (which is assuming good players would want to be a part of their pompous, khaki wearing campus).

They also say their "academic excellence" is the reason they can't get students to attend their games because they have to spent so much time studying.

And their "academic excellence" is why alumni don't attend their games because their graduates are working so hard in their chosen profession having to work 80 hours per week.

They are very hung up on the whole academic excellence deal. They're like an annoying wife who would rather complain about being unhappy than just leaving. I wish they would stop following sports and just invest in buying cats and sweater vests and spend their time monitoring kids running on their lawns.