UR, VCU earn academic accolades

Great CAA showing from the state of VA....notice anyone missing?
Mistachill said:

The University of Richmond football team and Virginia Commonwealth University's men's basketball team are among the Division I teams cited for academic success by the NCAA.

Got to give Grant credit for that. From what I'm hearing, it will continue under coach Smart.
xjohnx said:
Great CAA showing from the state of VA....notice anyone missing?

Would you be referring to the fighting Blaine Taylors (or any team from their historic institution?) or perhaps the William and Mary "men's" basketball team?
Well done boys. It says a lot about the young men and how they represent our University. Not only do they represent us well in the NCAA's, they do well in the classroom as well. :)
Nice Job! That is why the word Student comes before Athlete in the term Student-Athlete. :D
VCU and Mason were the only BB teams mentioned - no wonder they are consistently the two best BB teams in the Association.
Props are in order

When guys screw up we let them have it, also need to acknowledge them when they do right.

http://www.kentstatesports.com/ViewArti ... ID=3726314

KENT, Ohio – Five Kent State men’s basketball student-athletes were honored at the 26th Annual Judith K. Devine Athletic Academic Honors Dinner in the Kent State Student Center Ballroom including four who received Academic Athletic Excellence Awards.

The award recognizes all sophomore, junior and senior student-athletes that have achieved a 3.0 or higher grade point average during their time at Kent State

Honored this season for the men’s basketball program were juniors Tyree Evans (Richmond Va./Motlow C.C. (Tenn.)), Frank Henry-Ala (Pasadena, Calif / Motlow C.C. (Tenn.)), junior Mike McKee (Plum Borough, Pa / Plum) and Anthony Simpson (Rockford, Ill. / Highland C.C. (Ill.)).
Right under the heading which read ODU NCAA Mens Basketball Champions for 2010...oh wait I forgot we are on the Ram Nation forum now so we are not always being told about ODU championship basketball team :roll:
RAM7889 said:
Nice Job! That is why the word Student comes before Athlete in the term Student-Athlete. :D


a Student/Athlete...and not the other way around
MistaChill, it's good to see Tyree doing well. Looks like getting him out of Richmond has done him a world of good.
Yeah- You know a couple of the ODUers are seriously ticked off to read this. After all, with all the major league A$$-Kicking we've handed ODU over the past few years, the academic thing was something Heywould loved to throw at us- even though he never really had a valid argument. This just proves it.

That was sort of like when he accused Troy Godwin and Nick George of being smurfs, and that Loughton and Dahi were going to mop them up. HA!!!! Or that Eric Maynor couldn't hold Drew Williamson's jock strap. Man- you gotta admit..... the entertainment value was high. Still.... I don't miss it over here. The piss-free threads on the Nation are just a breath of fresh air!!
Great achievement by our basketball team. I am proud of what the players have achieved on the court. I am more proud of what they achieved in the classroom. Education is their primary purpose of being at VCU,
r4m said:
RAM7889 said:
Nice Job! That is why the word Student comes before Athlete in the term Student-Athlete. :D


a Student/Athlete...and not the other way around


(PS. Who is that kid in your picture? I forget his name...was he on Full House all the time or was it some other show?)