Welcome to VCU Luke Bamgboye

I realize this portal game is still somewhat new. But at this point, can anyone point out an estimated percentage of portal hoppers that have seen their jumping ship again and again actually leading them to the league as opposed to student athletes who stayed at one place?

I realize calculating such a thing might be too mighty a task, so let's narrow down a bit.. how about just VCU? How many former Rams actually made it to the league as opposed to players in the league to played all their NCAA minutes at this program and only this program?
Coach Odom went old school to recruit graduating high school players so the team will have three freshmen this year. Hopefully they stick around.
I've been saying the same thing about Odom... Recruiting is hard and harder these days with all the money that is being thrown around... The fact that Odom can recruit when VCU might not have the BIG BUCKS says something about what he is telling these players, their coaches and their parents... The kids he's bringing in are all quality and that means that whatever he is telling these players, they like... One thing that all players like to hear from his coach is "Shoot it"... The Odom offense has to be very attractive to a kid who is used to putting up big numbers... Of course, they won't be getting the kind of minutes they would like and therefore their numbers aren't going to be great in the 1st year so Odom will have to be as good at keeping his kids patient and not getting happy feet as he is at selling VCU... One thing that they should all feel good about is that the coach has put together a formidable team.... It's going to be fun to watch...
We watched some youtube videos last night after searching his name, and he's a young high motor defensive juggernaut with a great jumpshot/3pt ability. We're both very impressed!