<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-2052" title="gfx.php" src="http://www.vcuramnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/gfx.php.jpeg" alt="gfx.php" width="210" height="182" />It is being reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch that rising junior VCU Guard, Joey Rodriguez will be transferring from VCU. Rodriguez is transferring back closer to his home of Oviedo, FL. He was part of VCU's former coach, Anthony Grant's first recruiting class at VCU. This makes the 3rd player lost (Lance Kearse, Myk Brown, Rodriguez) that was recruited to VCU by former coach Anthony Grant. We will have more on this as it is released.
<a href="http://www.timesdispatch.com/rtd/sports/college/college_basketball/article/RODRGATER_20090413-160609/255388/">Click here for the Times-Dispatch article</a>
<a href="http://www.timesdispatch.com/rtd/sports/college/college_basketball/article/RODRGATER_20090413-160609/255388/">Click here for the Times-Dispatch article</a>