The 2024 Offseason Thread

Get that he is an alum, but BYU hasn't been that impressive to me.

Last 5 years they have two 1st game exits in the tourney, so they have the same level of success as us. I would argue with the conference wins and NIT we are actually more successful.
Other than FSLU and maybe Fayers and FDuqes seems like noone is doing anything of major effort to improve. Mason sucks, Mush, and everyone else just in a holding pattern. VCU is holding too but they have the cards.

Saw Frosty the Snowman in the produce area of our grocery store. He was picking his nose.
A bear, a Mormon and a lawyer walk in a bar. Bartend says "What is this, some kind of joke?"
A Rabbi, a Hindu man and an ODU grad were walking to a neighboring town. They miscalculated the distance and by nightfall needed a place to stay the night. They knocked on the only farm house in sight and the farmer answered the door.
The rabbi said "me and my friends need a place to stay for the night, can you help us?" The farmer replied yes, but there is one small problem. We only have 1 guest bedroom and a couch. One of you will have to sleep in the barn.
The Rabbi said, that is no problem. I am Jewish and our people have been persecuted since the beginning of recorded history. I will take the barn and my my 2 friends can tale the couch and the spare room. The Rabbi proceeded to the barn while the ODU grad and Hindu headed inside. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was the Rabbi. The Rabbi said "I am sorry friends, but I didnt know there was a pig in the barn. In my religion pigs are the dirties of all animals and I would be breaking every religious edict if I stayed the night in the same room as a pig."
The Hindu man said "I understand. I am religious too. I am from India and am used to extremely over crowded conditions and have slept in worse places than a barn. Please take my room and I will sleep in the barn."
The ODU grad and the rabbi went inside and the Hindu man went to the barn. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was the Hindu man. He said "I knew there was a pig in the barn, but no one told me there was a cow. In my religion, cows are very sacred and I am not worthy to be next to such a holy creature."
The ODU grad stepped up and said "Hey I am an ODU grad. Many of my former classmates are homeless and unemployed. We are used to sleeping under bridges and cars all the time. A barn is an upgrade from that. So I will take the barn, and you two stay in the house." The Hindu and Rabbi went inside and ODU grad went to the barn.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was the pig and the cow.
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The Calipari coaching chaos has come to an end as BYU has filled their vacancy. They hired Kevin Young from the Phoenix Suns, previously the highest paid assistant coach in the NBA, and most importantly, a Mormon.
